Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh, Dahlonega.

This has been the first time in my life that I can remember feeling sad about moving on.  I've always been one to speed ahead to the next adventure with hardly a glance back.  When I graduated high school, I was so excited to head to the big city with my big dreams about college athletics and independence.  I was so eager for a new experience I never paused to say goodbye to my childhood.  When I graduated college I had new dreams that were even bigger... Now I wanted to change the world: one college student at a time.  The uncertainty ahead was thrilling.  And once again, I don't think I had one passing thought of what I was leaving behind.

But like I said, this time is different.

I never expected this quaint little town to steal my heart like it has.  And whenever this happens, it only seems natural to tell about why something has become so dear to you.  And so, Dahlonega, this is what I will always remember about you...

Preacher's Rock.  Ah, this is the glory of Dahlonega if you ask me.  Hiking up in the dark to watch the sunrise.  Moments of laughter with good friends.  The beauty of the mountains. But I also must mention that a close second to this place is the view driving over the hill from 400 to get into town.  If you've been here, you know what I mean.

My favorite places on the square.  Hands down the Picnic Cafe... I spent hours there: sharing life with others over meals and coffee and cookies.  I've cried there, I've laughed there, I've thought there, and I've learned there.  But I must also mention spending hours wandering around the antique malls just looking at all the stuff and wondering where it came from.  My first taste of fried pickles from Wylie's, yummy dinners at Piazza's, and how orange it is at Hoka Hoka.

That first fall that I stepped onto the soccer field. I will remember how that team upside down that season.  I will remember the moments when I saw for the first time in those girls eyes that they wanted to know Jesus.  I will remember chasing soccer balls.  And the first time I sat on the bench at a game.  How I got my first pair of cleats that the girls bought me for my birthday.  I learned what it was like to love people unconditionally, really.

Driving through your hills and running in your streets.  Both seemed impossible to me at first.  The curves made me nervous in my car and the hills seemed impossible for my body.  Now, I love driving on a pretty day with the windows down and country music playing.  I trained for my first 10K and my legs learned to power up those hills (on a good day anyway).

Gold Rush Weekend.  And all things festival or craft-like.  The good Lord knows I am a sucker for handmade, homemade, unique and rustic sorts of things.  I could browse forever.  I get lost in things like that.  And a whole weekend where the whole town fills up with this stuff!  There are no words.

My first discipleship group.  What a random mix we are.  They taught me this place and shared their lives with me. They are some of my best friends now.

You were the perfect place to heal my soul and heal my body.  I learned a lot about myself... I learned to be honest about who I am to myself and to others.  I learned my limits only by crossing the line and feeling a little crazy at times.  I learned it's ok to be sad and wish some things were different.  You were a still and quiet place where I could hear God's voice.  When the cancer came, you gave me fresh air to breathe and space to rest and a calmness I could keep up with.  And you happened to be next door to a great doctor.

As I leave, there are tears.  Lots of them.  And the life kind of tears.  You know the ones that come because something deep and meaningful has happened.  I'm gonna miss this town. 

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